Service Desk

Our comprehensive service desk helps you manage customer support tickets and incidents quickly and efficiently.

Effectively Manage Customer Support Tickets and Improve Customer Service

Our easy-to-use interface allows you to customise your view based on your unique requirements. Group tickets by status or assignee, filter or sort them, and save your views for quick and easy access later. Plus, our powerful search function ensures that you’ll always be able to find the ticket you’re looking for.

With UpendoDesk, tickets are automatically created from emails, and your team can respond internally and to clients from within the UpendoDesk system. This means that you can keep track of all your customer support activity in one place, making it easy to resolve issues and provide a first-class service.

If you manage a support desk, our Service Desk is an invaluable tool for catching issues before they fall through the cracks. With its comprehensive view of open tickets, overdue, and upcoming tickets, you can quickly identify areas that need attention. Additionally, the resources section provides valuable insights into how your team is performing. Are they getting bogged down by too many tickets? Are tickets being created faster than they can be closed? Our system helps you answer these questions and more, so you can keep your support desk running like a well-oiled machine.

Upendo Service Desk helps you keep track of your response times and resolve Service Level Agreements for Client’s per category of ticket. The visual interface makes it easy to see which tickets are due and which ones are need attention. You can even set up different colours for different types of tickets. This is a must-have tool for any business that wants to streamline their customer service.

With our Service Desk you can setup Wikis with standard instructions for managing your internal process categories with SLA’s, mandatory tasks and ticket resolution guidelines. Service desk agents have the knowledge they need to support your customers quickly and efficiently, right at their fingertips!

Keep your team up to date with a discussion board and add members to a ticket so that all the relevant people remain informed.

View a timeline of the activity on your ticket from start to finish. Dates, times and who made changes or deletions are all recorded so you have access to a complete audit trail.

Upendo Service Desk is the perfect tool for managing both Support Desk and Project tasks. Tasks can be added to Tickets that neatly integrate with the Project Management side of things, ensuring that work done in your team is recorded accurately for Service Desk, Project Management and Billing! This is the perfect solution for teams who want to stay organized and efficient!